

What does an ESDM therapy session look like?

We provide direct therapeutic intervention for children in accordance with ESDM.
They are in charge of:
• Child’s entry diagnostic test – Curriculum Checklist ESDM,

• Design of individual therapeutic 3-month plans,
• Overall oversight of the therapy.
The main coordinator is at the same time a member of the therapeutic team assigned to the child as a therapist
Based on the diagnostic screening we will gain important information about the rates of development in respective domains (expressive communication, receptive communication, gross motor skills, fine motor skills, play, social skills, self-reliance) The goal of ESDM approach is to help children with ASD to keep pace with their typically developing peers
An individual therapeutic plan is designed for a 3-month time frame. It consists of 10 to 20 therapeutic goals that attend to all the developmental domains in line with ESDM principles. The objective of the therapy is in three months to achieve individual goals designed in the therapeutic plan. After the elapse of 3 months or sooner, if the goals are achieved ahead of time (in case of a fast learner child), a new therapeutical plan is designed.
Individual members of the therapeutic team engage with the child in form of a one-on-one session, i.e., one therapist engages with one child.
or are in a certification process. We continue to cooperate with Saulé Westenholz, a certified ESDM therapist, who operates in Denmark.